Am 19.05.2017 um 11:53 schrieb Fabian Grünbichler:
> On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 11:26:35AM +0200, Uwe Sauter wrote:
>> Hi Fabian,
>> thanks for looking into this.
>> As I already mentioned yesterday my NFS setup tries to use TCP as much as 
>> possible so the only UDP port used / allowed in the NFS
>> servers firewall is udp/111 for Portmapper (to allow showmount to work).
>>>> Issue 1:
>>>> Backups failed tonight with "Error: mount error: mount.nfs: /mnt/pve/aurel 
>>>> is busy or already mounted".
>>>> Question 1:
>>>> Do NFS shares that should be used for backups need to be "disabled" so 
>>>> that the backup process just mount the share in preparation
>>>> of the backup? If so, there is a problem with the WebUI as I cannot select 
>>>> a disabled storage location when defining or editing a
>>>> backup job.
>>> no. I think your NFS share is (wrongly) detected as unmounted, since
>>> activate_storage in the NFS plugin will try to mount if nfs_is_mounted
>>> returned undef. in general activate_storage is supposed to detect if the
>>> storage is already activated and turn into a no-op if needed, and
>>> calling storage can treat it as idempotent.
>>> what does "grep aurel /proc/mounts" say on this machine?
>> # grep aurel /proc/mounts
>> <ip of server>:/backup/proxmox-infra /mnt/pve/aurel nfs
>> rw,relatime,vers=3,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,mountaddr=<ip
>>  of
>> server>,mountvers=3,mountport=892,mountproto=tcp,local_lock=none,addr=
>>  0 0
> that looks okay..
>>>> Issue 2:
>>>> When the backup process failed no email was sent to the specified address 
>>>> though email notification mode is set to "always".
>>>> Emails in general do work, at least apticron sends update notifications 
>>>> and sending mails from CLI also works.
>>>> Question 2a:
>>>> Why was no email sent after the backup process failed?
>>> can you post the complete log?
>> Where can I find that?
> check the node's task history - should have an entry for the backup job
> including log.

Opening the task gives:

OUTPUT: TASK ERROR: mount error: mount.nfs: /mnt/pve/aurel is busy or already 

STATUS: stopped: mount error: mount.nfs: /mnt/pve/aurel is busy or already 

Opening the log file in /var/log/pve/tasks for that tasks gives the same as 
above OUTPUT.

>>>> Question 2b:
>>>> Does the WebUI use a different method for sending emails? If so where can 
>>>> this be configured?
>>> different from what?
>> Different from what apticron and "echo test | mail -s test <recipient 
>> address>" use.
> there is /root/.forward which points to pvemailforward which uses
> "sendmail -bm -N never -f <FROM> <TO>" (using 'root' or the value from
> datacenter.cfg as sender, and the adress of 'root@pam' as recipient),
> and PVE::Tools::sendmail() (which is used by vzdump) which uses
> "sendmail -B 8BITMIME -f <FROM> <TO>" (with configurable sender and
> recipient). vzdump sets the sender to the one from datacenter.cfg as
> well, and the recipient to what is configured for the backup job.

# cat /etc/pve/datacenter.cfg
keyboard: de

# cat /etc/pve/user.cfg
user:root@pam:1:0:::<my email>::

I suspect that something just doesn't send emails in that specific error case…

Is there a way to test the mail configuration using PVE's mechanism?



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