On Wed, 30 May 2012 17:37:09 +0200, Jerome Kieffer <jerome.kief...@esrf.fr> 
> On Tue, 29 May 2012 19:02:38 -0400
> Andreas Kloeckner <li...@buster.tiker.net> wrote:
> > Right. IOW, it's a mess. Multiple threads fighting over one GPU context
> > is not a good idea, and if you have *any* other way to design your
> > program, use that.
> Thanks Anreas,
> The core of the program has been developed for 5 year and the application for 
> >2 years now.
> The PyCuda part is very promising, especially because I only spent 6 hours on 
> it. But moving to a pure ctypes interface or a Cython interface is still an 
> option for now. I liked pretty much the scikit.cuda interface to cuda-fft.
> > If you *need* to use this design, there's a way to prevent the leaks:
> > Also manage all your memory manually (see, it's getting prettier by the
> > minute). The problem is that it's not guaranteed that PyCUDA can
> > activate an object's home context at garbage collection time.
> I understand the problem.
> > Alternatively, PyOpenCL (and PyFFT) make threading, even for a single
> > context across multiple host threads, completely painless.
> I would have preferred PyOpenCL and PyFFT but the later is limited to
> power of 2 array size and we have have a PCO-edge camera witch does
> not fulfil this requirement.

Keith Brafford and Gregor Thalhammer are working on wrapping AMD's
OpenCL FFT library for use with PyOpenCL--they even have some working
code, I believe. Might be worth checking out.


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