The following forum message was posted by newman2 at

Hi Fabio,

that is exactly what I was searching for. Great !
So I have tried it and did some progress - but not reached the goal complete.
What is working now:
-I can start the project,so that a second eclipse+pydev is coming up
-I can see there my changes in the pydev auto completion settings
-If I try to add a new project, than it will crash ( with or without my changes

So here is one further question.
Is it needed to bring it complete to work or
is it now possible to build only the auto completion part ( with my changes
) and to use this as replacement for the released pydev auto completion part ?
If possible , please can you give me some idea how?
I played a little bit with  the 'Export deployable plug-ins and fragments' 
function from the  plugin.xml. With that its possible to build a File which
is named "com.python.pydev.codecompletion_0.9.7.1.jar".
But I dont have a plan what to do with it.

Regards and many thx for the help

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