El mié, 09-07-2008 a las 16:02 -0700, Mitko Haralanov escribió:
> On Tue, 08 Jul 2008 19:57:23 -0400
> Felipe Reyes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I added a test case that shows (at least on my system) my trouble.
> > 
> > somebody can give me a clue?
> The issue is locking. Changing the code to this seems to have solved
> the problem:
> class FillListStore(threading.Thread):
>     def run(self):
>         gtk.gdk.threads_enter ()
>         model.clear()
>         for i in range(600):
>             a = random.randint(0, len(img)-1)
>             model.append
> ([gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file_at_size(rootdir + img[a], 64, 64),
>                            str (i)])
>         gtk.gdk.threads_leave ()
> thread = FillListStore()
> thread.start()
> win.show_all()
> gtk.gdk.threads_enter ()
> gtk.main()
> gtk.gdk.threads_leave ()
Yes, with the locks everything works fine, but the locks added some
overhead (about 10 secons when loading 2500 pictures), I suppose that
this is normal, right?

Felipe Reyes Astorga
counter.li.org #316380

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