Quoting "Yann Leboulanger" <aste...@lagaule.org>:
On 10/28/2010 02:04 PM, Dieter Verfaillie wrote:
I uninstalled everything, removed previously listed folder, installed this pygobject, and still the same error at the end, without any debugging thing. I only see:

For the pygobject installation? That's really strange...
There's only one test I can think of we can still try:
uninstall again, remove everything as described before but also delete:

Then install pycairo, then the pygobject version I sent you and look again
at the contents of the last page of the pygobject installer. What's the
Note this does not affect the error of the pygtk installer, you'll still
see it there and that's to be expected...

Oh, there's a second thing we can check.
- Did you install Python "for all users" or "just for me" in windows 7?
- If installed "for all users", do you run pygobject-2.26.0.win32-py2.6.exe
  as admin?
- Does windows 7 ask for permission to run the .exe as admin?

As the installers filename does not contain the magic 'setup' or 'install'
substring, I doubt windows 7 runs it with an admin account by default. That
may be causing your problem also...


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