OK, let me get working on a reference implementation of WebHelpers,
and then you can update the Paginator to match it.  There will be a
WebHelpers task during the Pylons/TurboGears sprint at PyCon, so I
should have something ready after that.

On Mon, Mar 3, 2008 at 2:13 AM, Christoph Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  When we talked about JS support a while ago you considered creating an
>  abstract module or something that other parts of the webhelpers could
>  use. I can't really imagine how that would work because the JS libraries
>  work very differently. Did you get any results out of that idea yet?
>  If there were such a thing as a "Webhelpers Javascript API" then I could
>  use that. But I don't really expect that. :)

That was left to be designed later.  Ben is planning a few small
Javascript functions which won't depend on any library.  So something
like link_to_remote.  If there are any functions you think are
particularly important, please let me know.  I haven't used JS much so
I don't know what's needed.

h.url_for will exist but not in WebHelpers.  It will proabably be
imported from Routes directly into pylons.helpers.  For now, please
make your own shadow functions for framework-specific details
(url_for, session use, GET params, etc).  When we figure out how
WebHelpers will access framework services,then you can update those

Is h.url() really needed?  It "lazily evaluates url_for arguments".
Um, why?  It's not like Routes is overhead-intensive.  I think h.url
is just a Railsism that can go away.  (The name may be used for the
url_for function, but 'url' is a very common local variable name in
user code, so I'm not sure it's a good idea.)

>  The only place in the module where JS is used is the "_pagerlink()"
>  function which consists of ~20 lines of code for 4 different JS
>  frameworks. Not really enough to create another module of it that I
>  would want to upload to PyPi. I wonder if I should rather provide a
>  callback hook so everybody can hook in their function that creates the
>  links. The documentation can provide examples for such functions
>  (perhaps ~5 lines of code) and the paginate module can do without any
>  JS.

I'll leave you to figure this out.  Certainly, providing standard
implementations for the major JS libraries would be a good thing.

>  The main thing I'm scared of is breaking the API. But I assume that the
>  webhelpers have to face a 90% API breakage anyway.

WebHelpers will be quite incompatible, so this is a good time to make
any API changes.  Those who want compatibility can use the older
versions of WebHelpers and your module.


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