On Sun, Nov 9, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Lukasz Szybalski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> What needs to change to add public/ folder in front of anything that is 
>>>>> static.
>>>>> Currently it seems as I need to add
>>>>> Alias /css/ "/path.../"
>>>>> Alias /javascripts/ "/path.../"
>>>>> Alias /images/ "path.../"
>>>>> This gets complicated if I deploy 2 or more apps, then I suddenly need
>>>>> 3x usual number of aliases per each project.
>>>>> I would like to add
>>>>> Alias /public/ "path..tomyapp/public/"
>>>>> And everything in public could be referenced via
>>>>> localhost:8080/public/images/...
>>>>> localhost:8080/public/css/...
>> Maybe I didn't read this correctly.  If it's working now (meaning the
>> Alias handler overrides the wsgi handler), then you should be able to
>> change the alias path and it would still work.  In this case your
>> public directory is sim
>>>>> .....
>>>>> etc..
>>>>> Can pylons template change to so that all public/static files are
>>>>> served through localhost/public/ folder and not via each individual
>>>>> folder?
>>>>> like to get something like this by default:
>>>>> http://localhost:8080/public/images/logo.png
>>>>> http://localhost:8080/public/css/style.css
>>>> You can do this by putting a public directory inside your public
>>>> directory.  If Pylons did this by default, people wouldn't be able to
>>>> put static files at the top level, including /robots.txt and
>>>> /favicon.ico which must be at the top level.
>>> so i I place favicon.ico and robots.txt inside of public folder right
>>> now they will show up without any changes in:
>>> localhost/robots.txt
>>> localhost/favicon.ico  ??
>>> Another twist.....
>>> Is there a variable in pylons config files that says what the prefix
>>> name is? I would assume currently this variable would be set to:
>>> somevar="/" points to /myapp/public/
>>> and I would be able to change it to:
>>> somevar="/public/" points to /myapp/public/
>>> or
>>> somevar="/public-myapp/" points to /myapp/public/
>>> The reason I'm asking is that robots, favico, etc all are served by
>>> apache. The existing website takes care all of it, and has its own
>>> /images/ folder etc.... so now my modwsgi served app is only
>>> controlling localhost/myapp but still points to /images which causes a
>>> problem. I need to to point to something custom I have defined
>>> localhost/public-myapp/images/ . In the future I would add another
>>> separate app that would run under localhost/mysecondapp with its own
>>> public folder (localhost/public-mysecondapp which I would like to
>>> easily rename to public-mynewapp just by changing the config file
>>> without playing around with adding folders to public or creating
>>> custom functions to server static folders.
>> You have a pretty customized configuration.
> I really don't consider this customized configuration. Its a standard
> deploy action when you are extending functionality of some website
> using pylons. I can never assume that pylons app will run under /.
>  In the normal case, with
>> the Pylons application at "/" and Apache not serving static files,
>> Pylons serves the static files via the static middleware at the bottom
>> of middleware.py:
>>    static_app = StaticURLParser(config['pylons.paths']['static_files'])
>>    app = Cascade([static_app, app])
>>    return app
>> Thus, /favicon.ico -> myapp/public/favicon.ico

Not sure if this can help you guys but in Turbogears 1 there were
settings in app.cfg that stated the following:

static_filter.on = True
static_filter.dir = "%(top_level_dir)s/static"

static_filter.on = True
static_filter.file = "%(top_level_dir)s/static/images/favicon.ico"

Is anything like this available via pylons????

>> You can move the entire Pylons application under a prefix such as
>> /myapp, and then the static files would also be underneath it
>> (/myapp/images -> myapp/public/images).  I think you have to set some
>> prefix option in the INI file if you do this; search the Pylons wiki
>> or list archive for an example.  Then the URLs produced by url_for
>> will have the correct prefix.  I don't quite understand what you're
>> trying to do in the last paragraph; but hopefull this will address
>> some of it.

I've added the prefix but the image location is still pointing to
/images and not /myapp/images???

filter-with = proxy-prefix
use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix
prefix = /myapp

I guess this is a no go as well.


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