On Sun, May 10, 2009 at 4:27 AM, Paul Johnston <paul....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ben, I was thinking that adding this to AuthKit is the obvious choice.

Neither AuthKit nor repoze.who are intrinsically part of Pylons, so
you want to direct your question to James Gardner, the AuthKit
maintainer, whom I'm cc'ing.  Chris McDonough maintains repoze.who,
and he primarily uses another framework so he may not be on this list.
 The best way to suggest changes to repoze.who is via the development
links on http://static.repoze.org/whodocs/ .  I maintain WebHelpers
but I'll defer to Ben about any new decorator-helper combo.   (By the
way, there will be a WebHelpers release in a week or so if something
is ready by then.)

Each maintainer has his own criteria for what gets accepted into the
package.  But what I'm mainly looking for is a developer consensus on
the following:

- Does this approach make sense security-wise?  Others understand this
more than I do so I'm just watching the messages.

- Does "some people want this feature" mean a wide variety of people
do, or mainly one person?  So far I haven't heard anybody else say,
"Yes, I want to use it."  Of course, there may be people on the user
list who'd want it, who aren't subscribed to this list

- Are we comfortable with a Javascript-only solution?  WebHelpers used
to have Javascript libraries but took them out because we can't keep
up with the rapidly-changing state of the art in Javascript libraries,
 So Pylons generally does not come with Javascript, except for an
optional feature in webhelpers.paginate.  TurboGears does come with
more Javascript, and because it includes repoze.who it'll pick up
anything from there.  The issue is not just that a Javascript-only
algorithm locks out non-JS users (including screen readers for the
blind), but that if we include some Javascript the question arises,
"Why this Javascript and not others?"

Mike Orr <sluggos...@gmail.com>

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