
yesterday I had to rename a controller because the concept of my 
application has changed a little. So I wondered which files I needed to 
change. What I did:

- rename controllers/old.py to controllers/new.py
- edit controllers/new.py and rename the class name
- go into tests/ and change things there

Then I decided to search for further occurenced and found 
foobar.egg-info/SOURCES.txt which I would have to change. Or is that 
maintained automatically? It seems to adapt the changes when I run "python 
setup.py bdist_egg".

So today's question is what I would need to do to change controllers. 
Creating them is easy from the template. But how do I get rid of them? 
Where else is information stored about them?

I once tried to rename my whole project and had so many weird errors that I 
decided to never try that again. :(


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