On 5/5/07, Christoph Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 12:58:07PM -0700, Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:
> > On 5/4/07, Christoph Haas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have created a URL using information from Routes using h.url_for().
> > > Example:
> > >
> > >     /start/page?page_nr=1&called=back
> > >
> > > Now I want to create a link to this URL with h.link_to. What I get is:
> > >
> > >     <a href="/start/page?page_nr=1&amp;called=back">foo</a>
> > >
> > > Apparently '&' is escaped to '&amp;' which is what I obviously don't
> > > want. Of course in the case of h.link_to I could just create the
> > > <a href=...> link myself. But my actual code uses h.link_to_remote which
> > > is a bit more complicated and I'd like to use the webhelpers for it.
> > >
> > > I looked into the Webhelpers sources and saw that the URL is not escaped
> > > if it's callable(). What does that mean? And what would be the correct
> > > way to just pass the URL through?
> >
> > It's doing the right thing.  Have a look at my blog post here:
> >
> > http://jjinux.blogspot.com/2006/03/html-escaping-s-in-urls-in-html.html
> This is contrary to everything I have come across when doing CGI
> programming but anyway. If I understand you correctly then there is
> danger that browsers interpret
>    http://localhost:5000/start/page?page_nr=1&szlig=back
> as
>    http://localhost:5000/start/page?page_nr=1ß=back
> Very strange since '&' has always been the official parameter seperator
> for the GET method. But I know how well browsers do the wrong thing. I
> know that Perl's CGI module has moved to using ';' instead of '&' to
> avoid confusion. But I have never seen a concrete case where the
> ampersand breaks applications in browsers.
> Anyway, it appears like Routes understands this weird workaround and
> gives me my arguments back. So from...
>    http://localhost:5000/start/page?page_nr=1&amp;called=back
> ...I indeed get the parameters page_nr='1' and called='back'. Can
> somebody who knows Routes well confirm that it deliberately does this?
> Is it unescaping HTML like moving '&amp;' back to '&' before parsing
> the line? My head is spinning...
> I wouldn't really expect this to work anywhere else. When I redirect to
> such an URL that is not handled by Routes then I would expect this to
> break. Too lazy to make a test case but a Perl CGI would probably return
> these variables: page_nr='1' and amp='' and called='back'. It would just
> work because Perl's CGI library accepts ';' in addition to '&'.
> This is likely a religious issue. But a word from the creators of this
> mess: [http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/appendix/notes.html#h-B.2.2]
> Quote:
>     We recommend that HTTP server implementors, and in particular, CGI
>     implementors support the use of ";" in place of "&" to save authors
>     the trouble of escaping "&" characters in this manner.
> Is there any chance Routes and Webhelpers will use the semicolon in the
> future? Then I promise I'll stop yapping about it. ;)

I fear you may have misunderstood my blog post.  "&" is indeed used to
separate GET parameters.  Hence "http://foo.com?a=1&b=2"; is
appropriate for use in a redirect.  However, if you embed that URL *in
HTML*, you have to escape the "&", aka "http://foo.com?a=1&amp;b=2";.
That's because "&" is always escaped in HTML--even if it's used in a
URL.  When a browser sees that URL inside the HTML, it knows what to
do.  Of course, if you forget to escape it properly, the browser won't
choke (browsers are very forgiving), but the DTD validator will.

Best Regards,


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