My app shows an overview of items, and lets me drill down into the
details for a single item; pretty common.  These item instances get
their data from a (RDF) database and renders with Myghty.  Fine so far.

But if I delete one of these individual items, then return to the
overview or specific details page, I still see the populated pages.
If I try to to do something with these items, my app tells me that the
actual data instance in the DB is in fact gone.

So I think Myghty is caching the items and I need to flush (or "clear"
or "expire") the cache.  But I'm not finding how to do this in docs or
google searches.

I've got another method which my colleague uses to get the overview of
items, and it's decorated with a beaker_cache so I'm assuming I need
to flush this one too -- but don't know how:

    @beaker_cache(expire=6000, type="memory")
    @restrict("GET", "HEAD")
    def get_class_collection(self, class_id, content_type): 

So after deleting my item instance, I would want to flush the cache
for the item's display page and the items (class) overview page. 

Any pointers? Thanks.

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