On 6/3/07, Michael Bayer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2007, at 10:49 AM, Christoph Haas wrote:
> >
> > On Sat, Jun 02, 2007 at 01:09:37PM -0400, Michael Bayer wrote:
> >> at Mike Orr's prodding, ive worked up a SQLAlchemy context object
> >> based on his proposal for a facade that deals with the various
> >> session
> >> (context)/engine/metadata mixtures.  I think this would be a good
> >> idea for the very reason that it encapsulates all the details of how
> >> engines/metadata/session/etc get created and used. [...]
> >>
> >> from pylons.database import SAContext
> >> sac = SAContext()   # connects to engine in the .ini file by default
> >> [...]
> >
> > I like your prosal a lot. It addresses everything that has annoyed
> > me so
> > far. But why is it limited to pylons.database? Elixir tries to make SA
> > simpler. Can't the session context itself be jazzed up so thar
> > pylons.database does little more than read the sqlalchemy.dburi and
> > provide a session context?
> i consider this facade to be a framework feature.  it has an opinion
> about how things should be organized.  SA itself isnt a framework and
> doesnt want strong opinions about how things should be organized, and
> SessionContext is just a small building block towards an end-user
> solution.  im pretty sure making a rich facade out of SessionContext
> would throw the zalchemy guys for a loop, for example.

I also think something like SAContext would make a good optional
feature for SQLAlchemy, but I'd rather see it proven in Pylons first.

There's also a get_engine_args() function which Michael didn't say
much about but it's going to be a large percentage of the code.  It's
not just a matter of "sqlalchemy.dburi".  There's also
"sqlalchemy.pool_recycle" which is critical for MySQL, as well as the
other engine options (or at least the scalar ones).  It will also
scale to multiple engines along the lines of
"sqlalchemy.engine_key.dburi".  This code is very Pylons specific, or
at least it is until other frameworks/applications start using the
same config file format.


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