slight mixup, the function dec should read:

def dec(func):
    # do lotsa things
    print "im doing something"
    finished = True
    if finished:
this function then uses request.environ['REFERER'] to call the
function it was were decorating, in this case, test

On Jun 17, 9:47 am, voltron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having problems using decorators with controllers. In a test
> controller:
> #
> def dec(func):
>     # do lotsa things
>     print "im doing something"
>     finished = True
>     if finished:
>         func() # call the function you were decorating
> class HomeController(BaseController):
>     def index(self):
>         return render_response('index.html')
>     @dec(home)
>     def test(self):
>         return render_response('test.html')
> tryinf this, I get an error:
> exceptions.TypeError: home() takes exactly 1 argument (0 given)
> I have to pass "self" to the function passed to the decorator somehow,
> what would be the best way to do this? I want the decorator to carry
> out a few things before calling the controller function its
> decorating.
> thanks

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