On Jul 21, 2007, at 11:03 PM, Max Ischenko wrote:

Another problem is that I can't use nose-0.10 alpha releases with
Pylons, since I got:

VersionConflict: (nose 0.10.0a2 (/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/
nose-0.10.0a2-py2.5.egg), Requirement.parse('nose>=0.9.2,<=0.9.9'))

For reasons I'm not entirely sure about, the Pylons tests themselves do not work under nose 0.10.0a2. And I'm weary of trying to hack something together to work with an alpha version. Ideally Pylons could just have a requirement to use the latest *release* of a package, that wouldn't pick up beta/alpha stuff. Until we work out the nose issues though, I've had to peg nose down to the last 0.9.x release.


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