Ben Bangert wrote:
> Apache is rather a pig on resources (the threading worker helps a
> bit), I'd suggest checking out nginx or lightty. nginx has a bit more
> modules to replace Apache functionality and has been more reliable in
> my experience, but both of them will mean dropping Apache (which uses
> at least 13 megs per process), and in exchange lighty/nginx take
> about 3-5 megs of ram. They're also significantly faster.

Base Apache memory use does not have to be excessive if you configure
it correctly. The most important thing is not to load in Apache
modules you do not need. If your Apache links a lot of modules
statically, this may mean you need to rebuild it so it uses DSO
modules for a lot of the core Apache modules. That way you can avoid
loading them. Usually even this is not absolutely required.

Next thing is to avoid Apache prefork MPM and use worker MPM. Most
problems with excessive memory use which people complain about are
because they are using prefork MPM and as a consequence they need to
run with a lot more Apache child processes. If you are running a
Python application in an embedded mode within Apache child processes,
this means so much more copies of the application and thus more
overall memory use. By using worker MPM there are less Apache child
processes and thus lower overall memory use. For a low volume site,
also tweak the Apache configuration so you don't start up as many
initial Apache child processes and reduce the maximum allowed number
of processes.

Next problem can be if you are using mod_python and your OS supplies a
crappy version of Python which doesn't have a shared library for the
Python library, or doesn't put it in the correct place. The result on
such systems is that the Python static library gets embedded within
the file and often when it is loaded into Apache,
requires address fixups for it then to be able to work. These fixups
result in the memory going from being shared to local process memory.
So, instead a of a shared library that is counted once across all
processes, every Apache child process sees a 3MB+ hit to memory use.
This lack of a shared library for Python will also see the same
problem arising if mod_wsgi is used.

If all you want to do is host a WSGI application, then use of
mod_python is also now becoming a poor option. This is because
mod_python loads a lot of extra modules that aren't strictly needed in
hosting a WSGI application, but relate to mod_python's own way of
writing Python web applications. Also, mod_python loads some modules
up front that should only really be loaded on demand if specific
features of mod_python are required. Thus, using mod_python you can
incur a couple extra MBs of memory use you do not need. A better
option in this respect is mod_wsgi as it is targeted at WSGI
applications and doesn't have these extra memory overheads and
inefficiencies in memory use that mod_python does.

Next issue is Python web applications which gradually accrue/leak
memory over time. Because they can do this, it is important to set the
maximum number of requests that an Apache child process should handle
before the process is recycled. Setting a limit ensures that the
memory usage is brought back to the base level and any dead memory
that can't be reclaimed for whatever reason is thrown away and you
don't just have a process that just keeps on getting bigger and bigger
over time until you run out of memory.

Further option is not to run your Python application embedded within
the Apache child processes, but to run it in a separate daemon process
using daemon mode of mod_wsgi, or use flup in conjunction with one of
the fastcgi/scgi/ajp solutions for Apache. By doing this you can more
closely control how many processes you want to run your web
application in. So, you can specifically say you want only one daemon
process used. You should still though ensure you configure the daemon
process to be recycled after a maximum number of requests if you have
a leaky web application.

If using daemon processes, still use Apache worker MPM. All the Apache
child processes will then be doing is serving static files and
proxying requests for Python application through to the daemon

Note that in general the argument that lighttpd and nginx are better
because they are quicker in serving static files is totally
meaningless in the context of Python web applications, as the real
work is being done in the Python application and that along with any
database access will be your bottleneck. Unless your web application
is specifically being used as a mechanism for working with large
numbers of very large distinct static media files, you will not really
gain anything from using lighttpd or nginx as static files isn't the
bottleneck. All you will possibly do is just make your setup and
configuration more complicated than it needs to be.

In summary, configure it properly and select which Apache modules you
use appropriately, and Apache doesn't need to be the bloated thing
that people claim it is. Using Apache can also be simpler to maintain
as configuration and process management can all be handled in the one
place and you don't need to be running a separate supervisor and
process control system for a distinct web server running just the
Python application. In an environment where you aren't memory
constrained and need high performance and scalability, Apache will in
general also be a better choice due to its ability to create
additional child processes to handle any extra temporary demand, such
process then being killed off when no longer required. So learn how to
use and configure Apache properly, and you should be okay.


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