Hi, Mike...

On Sun, Jan 27, 2008 at 08:46:20PM -0800, Mikeroz wrote:
> I've just started to have some fun with pylons and I've got a question
> - what's wrong with the documentation? I mean - it's cool because it's
> there but there's almost no tutorials and stuff... is someone working
> on it? Or maybe someone could give us (begginers) some links to
> them? :)

When I started playing with Pylons many moons ago I found myself in the
same situation. And documentation was even worse back then. It's nice
that the wiki contains documentation on many topics. But there's nothing
like a "print it out and let it lie around at the toilet tutorial" so
that's what I started working on. It was delayed because there were some
changes between 0.9.4 and 0.9.6 that I wanted to document properly and
during the same time Michael Bayer was bored and tossed the SQLAlchemy
API around making most of my documentation deprecated before I could
check it in. ;)

Currently I can only show a "cheat sheet" at
http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonsmisc/Pylons+Cheatsheet which is
not quite suitable for beginners but up-to-date. And quite some time ago
I contributed my
article which is technically less detailed but gives an overview of

So my current work is to create a profound article introducing newcomers
to the general concepts of MVC and Pylons while creating an actual
Pylons project (a bookmark manager) that deals with many areas like
i18n, session cookies, AJAX, deployments, database models, templates,
URL routing, form validation and best practices using paster shell and
the online debugger. The working title is "Beginning Pylons" and it's
currently maintained at
http://workaround.org/cgi-bin/hg-beginning-pylons but it's in no way
ready to be used. However I keep receiving feedback from people who want
me to finish that article so as soon as I can show something I'll ask
for feedback.

Some time this year Apress is to release a Pylons book, too. AFAIK it
will also be available as LGPL or something. So perhaps I'm creating
redundant work - I don't know. Perhaps that slows down my efforts a
little because I hate redundancy. Let's see what comes first. :)

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