Cliff Wells wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-05-20 at 13:49 -0400, Ross Vandegrift wrote:
> > On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 09:10:27PM -0700, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> > > so is Apache considered to be a good thing (through mod_wsgi ,
> > > mod_python , or other ?)
> > >
> > > i've been doing mod_perl dev for years, and have had some experience
> > > with mod_python -- generally speaking, my experience is that if you
> > > can avoid apache you're better off.  i guess that's what is throwing
> > > me off.  i equate apache with "isn't there a better way now?"
> >
> > I don't mean to come off as sounding curt, but I've often heard that
> > from people who haven't really maintained the alternatives.  Or that
> > have an application that gets deployed in a highly isolated environment,
> > where interoperability means nothing.

Using mod_perl as an indicator is actually a bad idea. This is because
it tends to be the worst of the bunch when it comes to bloating out
Apache. Thus saying that all solutions which embed an interpreter in
Apache are bad based on what one sees with mod_perl is not a good

The mod_python module does carry a bit more bloat in its base level
memory profile than it needs to and this has been identified and
discussed on mod_python lists, although nothing down about it yet even
though changes relatively simple to address it.

The main reason though why mod_python has got a bad reputation for
memory usage is threefold.

The first is that older versions of mod_python leaked memory. This has
been addressed in later versions.

The second is that the Python installation being used didn't provide a
usable shared library for Python itself and instead there was only a
static library. This mean that a static copy of Python was being
included in mod_python module. Because of shared library issues this
was being converted to local process memory rather than being shared
and so base level process sizes were more than they need to. So,
install your Python properly and you will avoid this issue. It has
also only been the last year or so that Linux distributions have been
fixing their Python installations to provide a usable Python shared

The third reason is simply that Python web applications can get fat,
especially when people developing the applications don't take memory
usage into consideration at all. Unfortunately people see the large
processes sizes caused by their own application, especially when
viewed in conjunction with fact that Apache is a multi processor
server, and so there are multiple copies, and wrongly think it is
mod_python that is causing their problems. Instead it is their own fat
application and a lack of understanding of how Apache works and how to
configure it so as to limit resource usage.

So, although mod_python is at fault a little bit, in the main it is
actually factors outside of mod_python.

FWIW, mod_wsgi uses even less base level memory than mod_python. As
with mod_python, it is still affected by poor Python installations and
fat applications being run on it. The mod_wsgi module provides better
flexibility however in being able to control memory usage through
process recycling.

> > Frankly, the flexability of Apache is what makes it so much better
> > than the alternatives.  It has solid support for just about anything
> > related to the web.  It has excellent, complete documentation
> > surrounded by a large, knowledgeable user community.
> I'd qualify this paragraph as "some of Apache's strengths are", rather
> than a blanket "it's better".  For some people, in some settings, it is
> better.  For others it isn't.  If you need high scalability, it isn't
> the best.  If you need a small memory footprint it's not the best.  If
> you prefer a sane configuration syntax it isn't the best.  If you need
> all three then it's arguably amongst the worst.

What is silly is people who think that any one web server is going to
be the complete solution anyway. One gets truly sick of people asking
what is the fastest web server to use as there is so much more to
that. Speed does not equate to scalability, and just because one
server is fast at serving static files doesn't mean it is good for
dynamic web applications.

So, servers like nginx and lighttpd will be better than Apache for
handling serving of static files. Just because they are though,
doesn't mean you should also then use them to host your dynamic web
application code.

For a Python web site with a requirement to also serve up a lot of
static media files, one would definitely want to use a separate nginx
or lighttpd server, or even use a specialised CDN. This should be run
on its own servers and not on the same server as your web application.

As to your dynamic Python code, it would generally be best served as I
said before by running Apache prefork MPM with code running directly
in Apache processes, ie., embedded mode of mod_wsgi. That server would
be dedicated to running just the Python web application code, no
static files sharing, no sharing the server with PHP or any other

With a dynamic application, you can also benefit from doing things
like turning off keep alive as in general one page will not generate
successive requests against the Python web application. You would
still use keep alive on on the static media servers though as that is
where you would benefit from it. Using it for dynamic web application,
you are only going to serve to tie up connections longer than you need
to and thus waste resources.

Anyway, there are a lot of other things you can do as well, especially
in your application space and how you construct your HTML code so as
to allow browsers to parallelise loading as much as possible.

So, things are not as simple as most think it is going to be. There is
a lot to building what is required for large scalable sites and
starting with the belief that a single server type is going to do
everything you want isn't going to help as down the line it may just
cause you to hit any performance wall quicker.

In summary, use each tool for what it is good at. Don't try and make
one thing do everything.

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