On 12/30/10 5:15 PM, Burak Cankurtaran wrote:
Thanks Rob,

I'll look into using the predicates to narrow down the traversal.
I guess in the future there will be higher-level wrappers built
into pyramid to hide the resource tree etc when it is only
used for URL matching.

Not sure what you mean here. If you're only doing URL matching, there IS no resource tree. A resource tree is only in play when you're using traversal, in which case you most certainly don't want to hide it.

P.S The reason I'm not using URL dispatch is because my problem
is not properly defined yet. Traversal seems more powerful than
URL dispatch even though I can't fully yet appreciate/comprehend
using traversal as a persistent data store, so better safe than sorry.

If your problem isn't properly defined, you probably shouldn't yet be building software to solve it. Traversal is preferable to URL matching in a handful of well-defined cases:

  - your URL structures may be nested arbitrarily deep
- your users may be modifying your URL structures at run-time, e.g. w/ a CMS-type application, where people are adding new content in a specific "place". (note that this is really a special case of the first condition.) - you need context-sensitive ACL type (sometimes known as "instance-based" or "row-level") security.

If you have none of these requirements, then URL matching is probably a better bet for you.


Happy New Year!

On 31 December 2010 05:23, Rob Miller<r...@kalistra.com>  wrote:
On 12/30/10 6:43 AM, Burak Cankurtaran wrote:


I'm new to python and pyramid. I am currently trying to get traversal
working. I started with
the "pyramid_starter" project template. Currently there is the default
view generated by the
template and a Welcome view I created. Question at bottom of post.

The views.py module:

from pyramid.response import Response

def my_view(request):
     return {'project':'test'}

def welcome(request):
     return Response("Welcome")

My resource tree is generated in the resources.py module:

class Resource(dict):

root = Resource({'Welcome': Resource()})

def get_root(request):
     return root


and the views are configured in the __init__ module as:

from pyramid.config import Configurator
from test.resources import get_root, Resource

def main(global_config, **settings):
     """ This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application.
     config = Configurator(root_factory=get_root, settings=settings)


if i'm understanding correctly, the context here should actually be
'test:resources.Resource', correct?


     config.add_static_view('static', 'test:static')
     return config.make_wsgi_app()

I am having issues with the context of the welcome view configuration.
As you can see it is
defined as context='test:resources.Resource' which is the same as

I realise that the context must somehow reference the Welcome resource
in the resource tree.

Actually, this isn't quite true.  A view context must be a class or an
interface, not an instance.  Another way to put this is that, with the
context predicate, you're registering views against particular _types_ of
objects, not specific instances.

Let's suppose that you do want to register the welcome view so that it only
shows up on your Welcome object and no other one.  You've got a couple of
options.  You could define a Welcome class::

  class Welcome(Resource):
      """Empty subclass used for view registration"""

then you'd define your root like so::

  root = Resource({'Welcome': Welcome()})

and your view registration would look like this::


That'd work, but if that's the only ``Welcome`` object you're going to have
in the entire site, it smells a bit funny to be creating a subclass just for
the view registration.  Luckily, you can use any of the other view
predicates (see
  In this case, you'd still use ``test:resources.Resource`` as the context.
  But then you could use the ``path_info`` predicate to check that the
request path starts with ``/Welcome``.  Or you could pass in a
``custom_predicates`` with a single callable that will simply check to see
whether the context is the object you expect it to be.

However, I cannot use something like test:resources.Resource.Welcome
as Welcome is not
a member of the Resource class.

Can somebody point out what I should do get this simple case working.
I am having difficulties
in constructing a proper and well defined resource tree. Maybe I don't
quite fully comprehend the
concept of a context.

hopefully this helps,


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