Nothing is stopping you from defining another session object bound to the
same engine that does not use the ZTE. As long as your engine is accessible
through the settings/registry then it shouldn't be an issue to create a
session in your script and use it only there.


On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 1:37 AM, jerry <> wrote:

> It seems transaction based SQLAlchemy session is defined by the
> ZopeTransactionExtension --
>    DBSession =
> scoped_session(sessionmaker(extension=ZopeTransactionExtension()))
> This is causing problem with my long-running/large-volume paster
> command, which are not suitable for transactions. But I couldn't get
> the DBSession redefined no matter how I fiddle with the paster command
> source. Is there a way to temporarily turn off transaction in a
> Pyramid project?
> Thanks in advance!
> Jerry
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