sound nice I give it a try :)

On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 12:35 PM, Malthe Borch <> wrote:
> Hey Nicolas,
> I had a realization at some point that form libraries ultimately
> aren't a joy to work with.
> Instead, I wrote `repoze.formapi` (see docs at 
> It basically just helps you validate input and help with error
> reporting, but it doesn't know about HTML at all – you simply write
> your own.
> For instance, in my application we have a page type which is basically
> just a document:
> The "page form" template (written in Chameleon's page template language):
> The `form` variable in here is a `repoze.formapi.Form` object.
> The markup is based on Twitter's Bootstrap.
> Note that there's a bit of Javascript in there which automatically
> generates and displays a human-readable URL fragment id based on the
> provided page title.
> The template also demonstrates how to set up a simple checkbox.
> \malthe
> On 6 December 2012 10:27, Nicolas Di Pietro
> <> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I'm pretty new in the Pyramid world and still in the learning process.
>> My question is about the forms generation and validation libraries, is there
>> a really good one usable with Pyramid AND with good documentation ? For the
>> few last days, I was trying pretty hard to have something working with some
>> of those libraries but I'm at the point where nothing works like I would
>> like.
>> I've tried Deform but I really have problems with the errors, I mean, I find
>> pretty hard to define customized error messages, i.e., you want to generate
>> a login page, this login page must be able to display an error message above
>> the box if the user/password combination is not valid (or another error is
>> occuring). It's pretty easy to get rid of the huge box above the form (There
>> was a problem with your submission, Errors have been highlighted
>> below)(changing the template used), but I'm not able to replace this box by
>> a customized error message that can depend of the error (and keeping also
>> the individual messages for each field (i.e: Required) or changing easily
>> those individual error messages.
>> I've also tried the ToscaWidget2 Lib, the problem I had with this one are:
>> I'm not able to use the i18n, I'm not able to get the tooltips on the fields
>> and the doc is not very very useful (or complete :'( )
>> I've also tried another one (don't remember, I think it was WTForms) but if
>> I remember well, I had problems also with the i18n.
>> So, as I'm loosing a lot of time (let's say about 3-4 days) trying the
>> different libraries, reading the docs, reading the sources (i.e., trying to
>> understand what are the possible parameters for TW2 widgets), and not having
>> exactly what I want, I ask to the list, do you know about a form generation
>> and validation lib, with support for i18n, easy error customization, and
>> ability to use all (or almost all) html attributes (i.e. the title attribute
>> to have tooltips in recent browsers).
>> If some of you don't use at all such a library, do you have a good pointer
>> to resources to validate input in a safe and clean way by hand ?
>> Thank a lot for your comments and ideas.
>> Have a nice day,
>> Nicolas
>> PS: maybe I missed the features of deform and tw2 (and WTForms), I'm sorry
>> if I offense the different authors of those libs and even if what I
>> want/need is not in their libs, I want to say thanks for each bit of the
>> open-source ecosystem.
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> Au revoir, et tous mes voeux pour un avenir plein de succès et de bonheur ––
> Malthe Borch
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Best Regards,

Christian Ledermann

Nairobi - Kenya
Mobile : +254 702978914


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