In my slowly-renovating personal site I've got traversal over a
directory of HTML files working.  My code so far is attached. It
traverses to an HTML file and serves it as a Mako template. It
supports an implicit "index.html" in directories, and appends ".html"
to the filename if missing. Longer term I want to extract the resource
class and default view from meta tags in the file.

<meta name="resource":
    class name, looked up in a dict, default to a generic HTML resource.
<meta name="view":
    default view name if user doesn't specify. Defaults to basic HTML view.

So I have two questions:

1) Right now I'm doing the 'context["index.html"]' lookup in the view
because I don't know how to do it during traversal. The problem is
that when I'm in a traversal level that's a directory, there are two
possible outcomes. If I'm in the middle of the URL, I should allow it
to traverse normally to the next subdirectory or file. But if I'm at
the end of the URL (no child but maybe a view afterward), then I want
to implicitly append the "index.html" file as a child. One, can I do
that, and two, is it possible to tell in a traversal level whether
it's the last one or not (i.e.,whether there's a child in the URL)?

2) Is it possible for a resource to offer a default view? Kotti has
some feature where a resource (a database record) has a default view
field that can be customized by the site admin. I don't know how that
works. Is it feasable to do this without hacking up the view lookup
mechanism severely?

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import logging
import os
import pathlib

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def includeme(config):

def get_root(request):
    p = pathlib.Path(request.registry.settings["lair.pages_dir"])
    return Directory(None, "", p)

class FSResource(object):
    def __init__(self, parent, name, path):
        self.__parent__ = parent
        self.__name__ = name
        self.path = path

class Directory(FSResource):
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        path = self.path / key
        if path.is_dir():
            return Directory(self, key, path)
        if path.is_file():
            return File(self, key, path)
        filename = + ".html"
        path = path.with_name(filename)
        if path.is_file():
            return File(self, key, path)
        raise KeyError(key)

class File(FSResource):
import logging

import pyramid.httpexceptions
import pyramid.renderers
#import pyramid.response
import pyramid_mako

import lair.resources

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def includeme(config):
    rc = lair.resources
    config.add_static_view("static", "lair:static", cache_max_age=3600)
    config.add_view(directory, context=rc.Directory)
    config.add_view(file, context=rc.File)

def directory(context, request):
    index = context["index.html"]
    if index.path.exists():
        return file(index, request)
        return pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPNotFound()

def file(context, request):   # 'file' is not a builtin in Python 3.
    template_file = str(context.path)
    log.debug("template file = %s", template_file)
    data = {}
    return pyramid.renderers.render_to_response(template_file, data, request)

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