After some more tinkering: the `request` parameter is of type 
*pyramid.util.Request* which is derived from *pyramid.request.Request*, so 
using isinstance() is safe.

As per this example 
my request instances have a *user* attribute which is a SQLAlchemy ORM 
instance tied to the request’s db session (see here 
The odd thing that I’ve observed in the exception view is the following: 
*sqlalchemy.inspect(request.user).detached* is False, but then 
*request.user.profile* raises an exception.

I have to mention that the exception that enters the exception view is a 
*sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError*, i.e. the db session has been rolled back 
at the time when the exception view is entered. Should I check the db 
session’s is_active 
attribute inside of the exception view function, i.e:

def handle_exception(exc, request):
    if request.dbsession.is_active:
        # Safe to use request.user.
        # The exception raised in a view function caused the DB session
        # to flush or roll back--either way it's not usable anymore.


On Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 2:29:00 PM UTC-8, 
> Hello,
> I’ve got the following exception view:
> @view_config(
>     context=Exception,
>     permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED,
>     )
> def handle_exception(exc, request):
>     """Last resort view function."""
>     …
> I had assumed that the `request` parameter here is the same instance as 
> the `request` parameter from the view function that raised the exception. 
> However, that does not seem to be the case. (In fact, the SQLAlchemy 
> session bound to the view function’s request has been expired by the time 
> the exception view is entered.)
> While a normal view function’s `request` parameter is of type 
> *pyramid.request.Request*, the exception view’s is of type 
> *pyramid.util.Request*. Which doesn’t seem to exist though: *AttributeError: 
> module 'pyramid.util' has no attribute 'Request'*
> It would be helpful if the docs would shed more light on this. Any more 
> details would be great!
> Thanks!
> Jens

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