
I’ve seen some conversation here about running a Pyramid app server inside 
a Docker container, but none has really answered my questions.

My setup is that nginx runs on the host and currently uses *proxy_pass* 
<https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_proxy_module.html#proxy_pass> to 
forward requests to the container’s external port, so that the requests are 
then processed and responded to by the Pyramid application running inside 
the container.

*Question*: Inside the container I’m running the Pyramid application using 
which listens on the container’s mapped internal port. Should I switch to 
gunicorn <https://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/> instead? Does it matter in 
such a setup?

The *proxy_pass* URL is which means that the external 
https gets lost. That, in turn, means that within the Pyramid app (inside 
of the container) calls to e.g. static_url() 
return a http route instead of the necessary & expected https.

*Question*: I currently use prefix WSGI middleware to rewrite responses (
<https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/issues/1435#issuecomment-61654089>) but 
that feels hacky. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make X-Forward-Proto 
header work quite yet so what’s the current recommendation here? Is the Using 
Behind a Reverse Proxy 
page current and working?

*Question*: Are there any benefits to using a UNIX socket for *proxy_pass*, 
instead of HTTP?

Much thanks in advance!

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