> If you are trying to use the highlighter package's SpanScorer class, there
> may be a problem with it clashing (by name) with the
> org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanScorer class:
>  >>> import lucene
>  >>> lucene.initVM(lucene.CLASSPATH)
>  >>> lucene.SpanScorer.class_
>  <Class: class org.apache.lucene.search.spans.SpanScorer>

I noticed that in the lucene-java-2.4.1 svn release that was downloaded when
I built pylucene, there is no highlight folder anymore:

>From what I can tell though (From the build headers), pylucene thinks
SpanScorer is in spans and highlighter

> But without a specific example of what you're trying to do, it's mostly
> just guesswork here.
> Could you please include a piece of code that reproduces the problem ?
> Thanks !

        for i in range(0, self.hits.length()):
            text = self.hits.doc(i).get(self.FIELD_NAME)
            tokenStream = self.analyzer.tokenStream(self.FIELD_NAME,

            ctokenStream = CachingTokenFilter(tokenStream)
            highlighter = Highlighter(formatter, SpanScorer(self.query,
self.FIELD_NAME, ctokenStream))
            result = highlighter.getBestFragments(tokenStream, text,
            print "\t", result
            print "Found: ",

It's the test_Highlighter.py code but I've changed it to try to test the
SpanScorer class.


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