When I try to draw a cartoon through the backbone of a nonstandard residue (in 
this case, phosphotyrosine), the cartoon strand stops prior to the PTR and 
starts after.  How do I get a continuous strand through the phosphotyrosine 
backbone (or other residues, in the general case)?  Ribbons seem to go through 
the PTR without problem, and selenomets don't seem to cause trouble, either.
David Horita
David A. Horita, Ph.D.
Department of Biochemistry
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1016 
Tel: 336 713-4194
Fax: 336 716-7671 
email:  dhor...@wfubmc.edu
web:  http://www.wfubmc.edu/biochem/faculty/Horita/

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