I'm still not sure about all this 'cool' stuff - Python looks to me like the illegitimate spawn of C and BASIC, but then I used to program in 6502 machine code so what do I know .....

Below is a variant of camera_travel (as Pythonised by Lieven Buts) which takes an explicit final view matrix as an argument rather than a PyMol selection as in the original version. This allows you to specify the exact view you want, rather than relying on the combination of PyMol 'orient' and 'zoom' command to generate it for you. This is particularly useful for defining a base view to which you can return.

For those with tricky E-mail clients the routine is also attached as a text file.



def camera_view_travel(first,nframes=30,new_view=(\
     1.000000000,    0.000000000,    0.000000000,\
     0.000000000,    1.000000000,    0.000000000,\
     0.000000000,    0.000000000,    1.000000000,\
     0.000000000,    0.000000000,  -50.000000000,\
     0.000000000,    0.000000000,    0.000000000,\
    40.000000000,  100.000000000,    0.000000000 )):
        Generate progressive view matrices to move the camera smoothly
        from the current view to a new view provided as an argument.

        first   - start frame
        nframes - duration
new_view - PyMol view matrix that defines the view at the end of the sequence

                print "camera_travel: first frame must be an integer"
                return -1
                print "camera_travel: number of frames"


        old_view = cmd.get_view(2)

#       print ( "view : (" + "%8.3f, "*17 + "%8.3f)" ) % (old_view)
# print "oldtran : %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f" % (old_view[12], old_view[13], old_view[14])

#       capture new zoom/clip parameters
        ozc1 = new_view[11]
        ozc2 = new_view[15]
        ozc3 = new_view[16]

#       calculate shift in zoom/clip parameters
        dzc1 = (ozc1 - old_view[11]) * ff
        dzc2 = (ozc2 - old_view[15]) * ff
        dzc3 = (ozc3 - old_view[16]) * ff

        ozc1 = old_view[11]
        ozc2 = old_view[15]
        ozc3 = old_view[16]

#       capture new translation vector component
        ox = new_view[12]
        oy = new_view[13]
        oz = new_view[14]

#       calculate shift vector
        dx = ox - old_view[12]
        dy = oy - old_view[13]
        dz = oz - old_view[14]

        dx = dx*ff
        dy = dy*ff
        dz = dz*ff

        ox = old_view[12]
        oy = old_view[13]
        oz = old_view[14]

# capture old and new rotation matrix components in quaternion form

#       m[0][0] = v[0]  m[0][1] = v[1]  m[0][2] = v[2]
#       m[1][0] = v[3]  m[1][1] = v[4]  m[1][2] = v[5]
#       m[2][0] = v[6]  m[2][1] = v[7]  m[2][2] = v[8]

        qx1,qy1,qz1,qw1 = quaternion(old_view)
        qx2,qy2,qz2,qw2 = quaternion(new_view)

#       calc cosine
        cosom = qx1 * qx2 + qy1 * qy2 + qz1 * qz2 + qw1 * qw2

        limit = 0.001
        if cosom>1.0+limit:
                raise ValueError,"Cosine of omega way out of range (positive)"
        elif cosom>1.0:
                print "Warning: cosom corrected from ",cosom,"to",
                cosom = 1.0
                print cosom

        if cosom<-1.0-limit:
                raise ValueError,"Cosine of omega way out of range (negative)"
        elif cosom<-1.0:
                print "Warning: cosom corrected from ",cosom,"to",
                cosom = 1.0
                print cosom

#       adjust signs
        if (cosom < 0.0):
                cosom = -cosom
                to0 = -qx2
                to1 = -qy2
                to2 = -qz2
                to3 = -qw2
                to0 = qx2
                to1 = qy2
                to2 = qz2
                to3 = qw2

#       calc coefficients
        omega = acos(cosom)
        sinom = sin(omega)
        if sinom==0.0:
                print "Warning: sinom corrected!"

#       restore old view
        cmd.set_view( ("%8.3f, " * 17 + "%8.3f") % tuple(old_view) )

# loop interpolating over nframes generating interpolated quaternion
        for a in range(nframes+1):
                scale0 = sin((1.0 - float(a*ff)) * omega) / sinom
                scale1 = sin(float(a*ff) * omega) / sinom
                rx = scale0 * qx1 + scale1 * to0;
                ry = scale0 * qy1 + scale1 * to1;
                rz = scale0 * qz1 + scale1 * to2;
                rw = scale0 * qw1 + scale1 * to3;

                # convert back to matrix
                x2 = rx + rx
                y2 = ry + ry
                z2 = rz + rz
                xx = rx * x2
                xy = rx * y2
                xz = rx * z2
                yy = ry * y2
                yz = ry * z2
                zz = rz * z2
                wx = rw * x2
                wy = rw * y2
                wz = rw * z2

                nv0 = 1.0 - (yy + zz)
                nv3 = xy - wz
                nv6 = xz + wy

                nv1 = xy + wz
                nv4 = 1.0 - (xx + zz)
                nv7 = yz - wx

                nv2 = xz - wy
                nv5 = yz + wx
                nv8 = 1.0 - (xx + yy)

                # update translation vector
                ox = ox + dx
                oy = oy + dy
                oz = oz + dz

                # update zoom/clip parameters

                ozc1 = ozc1 + dzc1
                ozc2 = ozc2 + dzc2
                ozc3 = ozc3 + dzc3

cmd.mdo("%d" % (first), ("set_view (" + "%8.3f, "*17 + "%8.3f)") % (nv0,nv1,nv2,nv3,nv4,nv5,nv6,nv7,nv8,old_view[9],old_view[10],ozc1,
                first += 1

        cmd.set_view( ("%8.3f, "*17 + "%8.3f") %

Attachment: camera_view_travel.py
Description: Binary data

------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
  Laurence H. Pearl

  Section of Structural Biology, Institute of Cancer Research
  Chester Beatty Laboratories,  237 Fulham Road, London SW3 6JB, UK

  Phone +44-207-970 6045 : Secretary +44-207-970 6046
  FAX   +44-207-970 6051 : E-Mail laurence.pe...@icr.ac.uk
------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
  " Live Simply and do Serious Things .. " - Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
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