I have a quick question regarding pymol and batch files.
First, I am using pymol to render images of a membrane simulation that uses point particles, as opposed to molecules.

My problem arises when making movies of the simulation. My computer (either mac or PC) will not allow pymol to handle the large number of points in the simulation to render more than 1 or 2 frames (the simulation currently has 25,000 particles in it). So I have been ray tracing each frame individually and saving the png files.

I currently have a script that does everything as far as set up, ray tracing and saving. but I still need to load each pdb file (represents an iteration of the simulation) into pymol and execute the script.

I have a folder with, say, 3000 pdb files in it. I would like to have pymol open the first file, run the script and save the image as the original file name, then open the second file and do the same thing .... 3000 times. It would be preferable to run this without the GUI.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dr. Torin Huzil

Department of Physics
444 Avadh Bhatia Physics Laboratory
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2J1

Office: (780) 492-1064
Cell:   (780)721-7222
email:  j...@scibuzz.com

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