This question was posted by someone else in January, but no solution was ever described. I'm currently running up against the same problem and would very much like to know if there is a solution, or if I'm stuck in bug-land.

I have several CCP4 maps that have been calculated over the entire unit cell (using ccp4's "extend") that can be read in, but only displayed in a rectangle covering ~1/3 of the unit cell. Unfortunately, my molecule does not lie within that 1/3. Converting the ccp4 maps to other formats (xplor, omap, etc.) does not solve the problem.

Is there a way to get pymol to re-center the contouring around my molecule? Trying to use isomesh or the density wizard to carve around selections only results in "Surface generated using 0 lines". Putting up the entire map shows the aforementioned rectangle.
Why are unit-cell-wide maps only displayed over part of the unit cell?


Jacob Corn
UC Berkeley - Berger Lab
Lab: 510-643-8893
Fax: 510-643-9290

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