
I did a scan (albeit brief) of the mailing list for this issue, but didn't find
it, so I decided to post it FYI. 

I wanted to mention a serious issue I just discovered after installing the new
nvidia drivers for linux (specifically regarding the
"NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-6111-pkg1.run" driver, though I imagine the same is true
for all other 6111 drivers), on a 2.4.x kernel, as well as the solution. It may
be important to make a note of this somewhere in the FAQ or installation
instructions (or perhaps it would be easy to fix in one of the pymol scripts).


Running Pymol gives the following message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pymol/__init__.py", line 90, in ?
    import pymol
  File "/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/pymol/__init__.py", line 306, in ?
    import _cmd
ImportError: libnvidia-tls.so.1: cannot handle TLS data


There are 2 solutions to this problem. 

(1) either rename /usr/lib/tls to something else, or delete it entirely. Pymol
then works perfectly ok. However, since this is akin to "If it hurts, cut it
off", it might break something down the line. Do note though, that the files
contained within this dir are also in /usr/lib (not a symbolic link).

(2) edit /etc/default/nvidia-glx (if it exists, for me it didn't), and set
USE_TLS to 0. Reboot. Surely there must be another editable config file
somewhere with this option, but I haven't found it. 

According to a thread on PyKDE, "The tls (thread local storage) stuff only
works if you are running a tls-enabled glibc on a 2.6 kernel, and when
installing nvidia-glx, you are normally asked by debconf on what to use."

This suggests anyone running the new nvidia drivers on a 2.4.x kernel may
encounter this problem. Admittedly, I haven't tested them on a 2.6.x kernel, so
I can't be sure the problem doesn't occur there either.

Hope this helps someone. 


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     `-..,..-'       `-..,..-'       `-..,..-'       `        
Laboratory of Dr. Didier Picard
University of Geneva
Department of Cell Biology
Scinces III
30, Quai Ernest-Ansermet
1211 Geneva 4

Tel: +41 22 379 3254
Fax: +41 22 379 6442

Email: du...@cellbio.unige.ch


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