I am trying to string together several sequences of PDB files outputted from the Yale Morph Server in order to make a movie. Basically there are 3 groups of trajectories and I want to make a continuous movie. The problem is that the Morph Server rotated one set of structures relative to the other groups and I need to align them.

I have tried to use the align and pair_fit commands, but because the protein is undergoing a conformational change, even aligning fairly static residues or atoms in the protein induces motion in the movie which is an artifact of the alignment (it looks like a rigid body rotation of the protein). Ideally what I want to do is do a single alignment of the last frame of the first sequence with the first frame of the second sequence (they should be nearly identical structures) and then get the translation and rotation matrices that were used and then apply them to all of the .pdb files that compose the frames of the the second group of structures.

If anyone had any suggestions of how do this or perhaps an alternative work-around, I would greatly appreciate you passing along your insight.

Thanks in advance,

Joshua L. Adelman
Biophysics Graduate Group
University of California - Berkeley
218 Wellman Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720
E-mail : jadel...@ocf.berkeley.edu
Webpage : http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~jadelman

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