
Here I have two questions:

1) I superimposed two protein structures. They are similar but have different 
numbering of residues, e.g residue 34 in structure A is equivalent to residue 
38 in structure B. I want to show only the side chain of residue 34 for 
structure A and residue 38 for structure B. I selected only structure A, and 
type the command: show sticks, resi 34; and select only structure B and: show 
sticks, resi 38. But the residue 34 in structure B and residue 38 in structure 
A were also shown. Could anyone teach me how to show residue 34 in structure A 
and 38 in structure B only?

2) Related to the same molecules. I want to show sticks for the R-group of 
residue 34 only. I typed the command: show sticks, resi 34. But the backbone 
atoms were shown also. Could anyone teach me how to show sticks for the R-group 

Thanks in advance!!!!

Graduate student

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