Dear all
I am confused about the requirement of providing connectivity data in a 
pdb file to properly render a protein with PyMol.
Right now, I am displaying a pdb file not containing any connectivity 
data but still the protein seems perfectly valid.

My question is: how does PyMol know how to properly display structures 
when no connectivity is provided (i understand this usually is at the 
end of the file in the 'CONECT...' section. Can it determine 
connectivity from the atom-labels, like the residue and the 
atom-descriptor (e.g ATOM   5   CB  VAL A 1 ...)?
Related to this: I'm not a specialist in protein dynamics, but i 
understand, every reasonable force field (AMBER, CHARMM, ...) will 
require me to provide connectivity, correct? The point is, i see the 
protein displayed correctly in PyMol, but there is no connectivity in 
the PDB file. Does this mean the force field computation will also work?

Thanks for a statement

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