I am having a problem with "Add Morph to eMovie"

I have generating a morph and it shows up on the screen fine but when I try to 
"Add Morph to eMovie", It gives the following error:

Error: 1
<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'> Exception in Tk callback
  Function: <bound method AddMorphParam.ok of 
<pmg_tk.startup.eMovie.AddMorphParam instance at 0x2aaab0718ef0>> (type: <type 
  Args: ()
Traceback (innermost last):
 line 1747, in __call__
    return apply(self.func, args)
 line 136, in ok
 line 2179, in apply
    mv_cmd("%i-%i:%i-%i"%(startFrame,startFrame + 29,startState,endState),"")
<type 'exceptions.UnboundLocalError'>: local variable 'startState' referenced 
before assignment

Any suggestions?


Michael Oldham
Rockefeller University
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