I now know that I can select specific residues to display the "volume data".
Something like `volume mol1-2MGyvol, mol1_2MGy, 1.0 blue .5 2.0 yellow 0,
resname CYS and mol1, 4.0, carve=4.0` works.
>From there I can choose to display the volume à la Fo-Fc

El jue., 26 de jul. de 2018 a la(s) 10:14, Murpholino Peligro (
murpholi...@gmail.com) escribió:

> Dear PyMOL users.
> I got a ccp4 difference map and a structure. If I load the structure in
> Coot and then load the map (ticking the "Is a difference map" box). Coot
> loads the map onto the structure, showing me the holes and peaks in
> electron density.
> How can I achieve this in PyMOL?
> When I open the structure and the map in PyMOL, they are unaligned.
> Thanks
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