Greetings PyMOL users,

Please join me in congratulating Mateusz Bieniek, Paul Smith, and Blaine 
Mooers, who have been awarded the Warren L. DeLano Memorial PyMOL Open Source 
Fellowship for 2018-2019.

Mateusz and Paul will be working as a team on tools for molecular dynamics 
trajectory handling and analysis. They are graduate students at King’s College 
in London and use molecular dynamics simulations in their own research.

Blaine is a crystallographer and long-time PyMOL user who has introduced 
hundreds of students to molecular visualization with PyMOL. He will be working 
on a snippet library of PyMOL scripts with a searchable thumbnail gallery 
frontend for efficient discoverability of relevant snippets.

The Warren L. DeLano Memorial PyMOL Open-Source Fellowship is awarded by 
Schrӧdinger to supplement the income of an outstanding member of the PyMOL 
open-source community so that s/he can continue to develop free resources to 
help scientific progress and the community as a whole. You can read more about 
the PyMOL Open Source Fellowship Program and the fellows at

  The PyMOL Team at Schrödinger

Thomas Holder
PyMOL Principal Developer
Schrödinger, Inc.

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