Hi. I'm working with PyMol's Python API from the terminal. I would like to
color the molecules in my session by atom using the command util.cbac(). I
want them in cyan because I'm deleting the two molecules involved and
reopening the files with those molecules several times inside a loop. My
first attempt was this:

import pymol2
sess = pymol2.PyMOL()
sess.cmd.load("./cyclodextrin_rec.mol2", object = "rec")
sess.cmd.load("./cyclodextrin_lig.mol2", object = "lig")

After that last command, I get the following warning message: "PyMOL not
running, entering library mode (experimental)". It is supposed to work, but
I don't get the molecules colored by atom. I also tried with the following
last command instead of sess.cmd.util.cbac("all"):

import pymol

But still doesn't work. Any clue? Thx.

Antonio Serrano


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