Hi Benedikt, 

You can do a work around with '<' or '>':
Sele qm, q>0.9999999 and q<1.0000001

I checked that this works like this for my "obj" in PyMOL:
stored.q = []
iterate obj, stored.q.append(q)
q_arr = np.array(stored.q)
q_1 = q_arr[q_arr == 1] # only keep values of q that equal 1

You can make actually use this numpy feature to slice the atom indices into an 
array (lets say atom_arr) then make a selection with it like this:
cmd.select("qm",f"index {'+',join(atom_arr)}") 

But '<' or '>' operators are quicker and seem safe

Kind regards,

Ali Kusay 

Ali Kusay | BPharm (Hons) | PhD Candidate & Pharmacist
The University of Sydney School of Pharmacy | Faculty of Medicine and Health
424, Brain and Mind Centre | The University of Sydney | NSW 2050

On 12/2/21, 11:34 pm, "Benedikt Floeser" <benedikt.floe...@cec.mpg.de> wrote:

    Dear fellow users,

    among other things I use pymol to edit PDB files so as to use them in
    an ORCA calculation. This entails changing the occupancy and B-factors
    to values of 0, 1 and 2.

    Changing these entries to the appropriate values but selecting, e.g.,
    all atoms with a q value of 1 or 1.00 with something like
    'select qm, q = 1' fails whereas it works with partial charges or
    formal charges. Is there any way to do this without resorting to
    workarounds with '<' or '>'?

    Dr. Benedikt M. Flöser
    Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion
    Stiftstraße 34-36
    45470 Mülheim a.d. Ruhr

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