This works as expected.  Those ports on the Second Life simulators are
currently only internal ports and in order to publicly expose these web
services, we would have to wrap caps around it, and make that part of
the protocol.  We did a whiteboard discussion of how agent domain
-region domain trust is established, but have not yet done the design or
begin the implementation on that yet.

On the OpenSim side, Zha specifically had his servers whitelist the
Linden Lab IP range so that we can directly invoke that URL on his
regions.  This is a workaround to the trust-establishment piece.  We
weren't too rushed to do the trust establishment piece yet since we've
been working with this workaround.

The next steps on our list are mainly to get 1. Beta stability for July
31st and 2. Get design docs written and protocols written to follow the
design so that we can test against the right things.


Christian Scholz wrote:
Locklainn wrote:
You had a question about how to contact region domain:


region_url + '/agent/' + agent_id + 'rez_avatar'


Nevertheless I cannot connect to e.g. sim1 port 13000.

(and interestingly enough the agent domain login now gives me a 404 so not even the existing login script seems to work anymore. I don't think I changed something on my side but as it's late I am not completely sure of course ;-)

-- Christian

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