
I would also be interested in making PyOpenCL self contained enough that it can 
be installed without any further dependencies, in particular no OpenCL 
implementation. Ideally, 'pip install PyOpenCL' would just succeed no matter 
what. Pocl seems like a reasonable vehicle for that. The problem is that it has 
a nontrivial build system... And then there's LLVM... It feels like a 
substantial amount of engineering effort.

Another avenue I explored for a bit was a conda package. I even got to the 
point of making that work. I can dig those package recipes up if you're 
interested. I believe I also put them up on github. For those I did the thing 
that you asked about, which is link PyOpenCL directly to pocl.

Hope that helps, and let me know if you'd like to try and work together to 
engineer something.


Am 18. Mai 2016 03:16:04 GMT-05:00, schrieb Marmaduke Woodman 
>I'm curious if anyone has succeeded in building and using PyOpenCL,
>directly to the Beignet or PortableCL runtimes?
>In my case, I'm writing a library using PyOpenCL, and it would be
>useful to
>fall-back on such an alternative, if the user of my library does not
>an OpenCL installation such as Intel's or Nvidia's.
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