> >From previous discussions, I suspect I'm not the only lurker-fan who would
> be willing to commit time to working on numericentric graph optimizations
> when that becomes a worthwhile investment.  There's no reason that the
> mostly-fortran bits of python code shouldn't run almost as fast as fortran
> after amortizing the JIT costs.

Exactly. There are many people who would be willing to help with that,
but they won't, until it's clear, that the main authors of pypy are
going to make sure pypy is stable enough and support this. For now, I
use Cython:


because it gives me the speed of C and it's a subset of Python, in a
similar spirit to RPython. The pypy's way is very clean and better,
but unfortunately, pypy is not ready for a production use and I need
something that I can use now. And the authors of Cython make sure that
it works. Now.


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