Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
> Neal Becker wrote:
>> [...]
>>>> Indeed. But there are tools to generate most of the painful code:
>>>> Swig, boost::python, and others.
>>>> With Swig, you can even subclass C++ classes and override virtual
>>>> methods in python.
>>>> I wish pypy could do the same.
>>> Both methods involve parsing C++, which is not fun. For example,
>>> concerning wxwidget, I for once think it would be much easier to wrap
>>> gtk than wxwidget (if we think: would be good to have a GUI lib for
>>> pypy); incidently, that's how pygtk is generated (some python + scheme
>>> code generate the pygtk wrapper around gtk).
>> boost::python does not involve parsing c++.
> yip, it does. The compiler parses C++, after all :-).
> nitpickingly-yours,
You are not nitpicking at all: boost::python uses Py++, which uses 
gccxml to parse the C++. There is no way around it: since it is 
extremely difficult to interoperate with any C++ ABI, you need to 
interoperate at the source level, parsing the monstruosity that C++ is 
compared to C.



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