On 2/3/2009 12:24 PM, Frédéric wrote:
Le 3/2/2009, "Giovanni Bajo" <ra...@develer.com> a écrit:

The documentation says that a QPainter can only paint on QImage, QPrinter
and QPicture, but not on QWidget and QPixmap (it seems that painting on
QGraphicsItem works fine, as I don't have warnings; can you confirm?).
I'm unsure but yes, it probably works because it's a simply a QImage
under the hoods.


Read the documentation about connecting signals and slots across threads
(asynchronous thread connection). What you want is to simply emit a
signal from the thread (self.emit(SIGNAL("UPDATED_PROGRESS"), value)),
and connect to that signal from the main thread; in the slot, update the

The trick is that a signal/slot connection across a thread is different
from a normal one: in a normal connection, slots are called immediately,
within the "emit()" call. Instead, in an asynchronous connection, when
the signal is emitted, an event is posted to the main thread (posting
events is thread-safe); then the receiving thread's exec loop will
process the event and call the correct slot.

Ok, I got it! I'll try to implement this...

Thanks again for your help :o)

PS: does it already exist a simple solution to adapt this code:

    thread = threading.Thread(target=func)

using QThread?

Yes: QtConcurrent::run.
Giovanni Bajo
Develer S.r.l.

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