OpenGL Tutorial:

Also NeHe productions does a realy great job breaking down OpenGL into
"lessons": My favorite!

Also, since your accessing OpenGL through PyOpenGL, you should look at:

for other links and examples. Enjoy - jaime

On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 9:35 AM, projetmbc <>wrote:

> >>> Your problem is with your OpenGL syntax. Simply change GL.GL_QUADS
> (which draw quadrilaterals) with GL.GL_TRIANGLES (self evident). Also, it
> would be better to move those declarations into your triangle routine as
> follows
> Thanks and sorry for this simple problem but I'm a real newbie with OpenGL.
> Where can I find documentations showing what kind of objects I can draw
> with OpenGL ?
> Best regards and thanks a lot.
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