I would always work with the cvs version, unless some major revision is in
progress that would be announced here. I hope by the end of the year we
will release Pyro version 5.0 which will update Player/Stage/Gazebo, clean
up a couple of interfaces, release a new Pyro Live CD, new binaries for
Linux, Mac, and Windows, and new rpms for Fedora Core 6.

Normally, this is all you have to do to stay up-to-date if you have
already checked-out Pyro from cvs:

cd pyrobot
cvs update -d

and that should put everything in order.


On Sun, December 3, 2006 6:28 pm, belinda thom said:
> On Dec 3, 2006, at 2:41 PM, Douglas S. Blank wrote:
>> The short story is that you can get updated versions of Pyro from cvs:
>> http://pyrorobotics.org/?page=PyroDeveloperCVS
> Glad to hear you've figured this out :-)! (When playing w/various
> configurations, I have occasionally seen robots outside of their
> world's bounding box and wondered what was up.)
> What is the intended model for updating?
> Do we need to rerun "python configure" and "make install" (and
> something similar for the cluster tool and any other stuff installed
> by hand) each time we download new CVS code?
> Is it always the case that we're better off w/the latest CVS code (as
> opposed to one of the earlier tarballs that is available at the
> download link page? Recall I had originally downloaded a stale
> tarball using that 2nd route). I guess what I'm really asking is how
> stable the latest CVS version is (esp wrt using it in the classroom).
> Thanks,
> --b
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Douglas S. Blank
Associate Professor, Bryn Mawr College
Office: 610 526 601

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