Again my apologies to spamming you guys. At least someone's using the stuff, yes?

I switched machines (still running the same pyro live knoppix CD) and now my code works (phew). Though sometimes it appears (and this is true with the joystick interface too) that the Hemisson isn't getting the command to move.


   * Occasionally I click on the joystick interface to go forward and
     get no response. Repeat the click and the robot moves
   * I step through my program. It prints "moving" on the screen but
     the robot doesn't move
   * I need to run my robot at an incredibly slow speed to get it to
     stop before bumping into something. I suspect this is because not
     all of the "stop" commands are being received.

My current code: (have tried permutations of / and self.robot.move and self.move -- they seem equivalent. Am I missing something?)

# robot goes forward and then slows to a stop when it detects something

from pyrobot.brain import Brain

class StopWhenClose(Brain):

   def step(self):
      front =[0][0].distance()
      print "front ir: ",front

      if front > 0.488:
          print "moving ..."
          print "stopping"

def INIT(engine):
   return StopWhenClose('StopWhenClose', engine)

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