Hi pytesters,

Our original target date for pytest 3.0 was around this week (just before
EuroPython), but it seems we are not going to make it as there are some
issues still in the 3.0 check list which have not been merged:


My question is if we should delay the release a little bit and give more
time to people to work on them for 3.0, or bite the bullet and make the
release anyway this weekend/early next week? And if we decide to delay,
what people think would be a good time for a new target date?

Personally I would rather wait a little more because I consider the
remaining issues important to go in 3.0.

Btw, I was taking a look at the Pulse page on GitHub (
<https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/pulse/monthly>) and in the last 7
days we have merged 16 PRs. That's awesome. :)

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