Chris Calloway added the comment:

> There are at least two ways you could deal with this.  You could change the 
> working directory to the temp directory in setUp() and change it back in 
> tearDown().  This is a common pattern in the tests [...]

> Alternatively, you could save the temp directory path as an attribute of the 
> test class, and then include it in your string match prior to calling the 
> assert method.

Although I prefer explicitly testing that the subdirectory paths shows up in 
the reports and, in the case of the report_partial_closure test, the regex 
explicitly tests that the "only in" subdirectory is reported correctly, if I 
were to have to choose between the two options you propose, I would choose 
decorating the test instance with the strings as that would at least preserve 
the ability to perform the latter of the two explicit tests I mention and would 
not be subject to yet another file system point of failure while switching 
directories (even if that is a common pattern in the tests).

assertRegex is new from unittest2 and seems tailor-made for this use case to 
me. It gets the job done in explicitly correctly in the least amount of code. 
If you insist that I not use assertRegex for the report test, I will yield to 
your preferences. However, I would like your blessing to continue with 
assertRegex in this case.

In either event, I still will refactor the patch into separate test methods for 
the report methods as previously agreed after your continued feedback. And 
thank you again for your feedback above.


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