Ned Deily added the comment:

The difference is that os.environ is a reference to a mapping object, 
essentially a dict, that has all of the process environment variables. By using 
the get('x') method on that object, you ask the object to find and return the 
value corresponding to key 'x' or to return None if the key is not found.  It's 
the same as using os.environ['x'] except that the latter raises a KeyError 
exception if the the key is not found.  This is how all mapping objects work.  
(Also, os.environ() does not work because os.environ is not callable.)  
os.getenv('x') is a call to the function that returns the value corresponding 
to key 'x' or None.  Yes, the end results of os.getenv('x') and 
os.environ.get('x') are the same but how they get there is conceptually 
different.  Why are there two similar ways to do this?  I can only speculate at 
this point.  It looks like os.environ and os.putenv have been around since the 
very early days of Python.  os.getenv appeared somewhat later but has been 
around since at 
 least 2001 (  Since os.putenv already 
existed, os.getenv could have been added as a convenience to mimic the 
underlying libc function names.  In any case, it's perfectly fine to use either 
approach and has been for at least 15 years!

>>> import os
>>> os.environ()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: '_Environ' object is not callable
>>> os.environ
environ({'TERM': 'xterm-256color', 'HISTCONTROL': 'erasedups', 'HOME': 
>>> os.environ.get('HOME')
>>> os.environ['HOME']
>>> os.getenv
<function getenv at 0x1007318c8>
>>> os.getenv('HOME')

resolution:  -> not a bug
status: open -> closed
type: resource usage -> 

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