Sworddragon added the comment:

On looking into PEP 538 and PEP 540 I think PEP 540 is the way to go. It 
provides an option for a stronger encapsulation for the de-/encoding logic 
between the interpreter and the developer. Instead of caring about error 
handling the developer has now to care about mojibake handling (for me and 
maybe others that is explicitly preferred but maybe this depends on each 
individual). If I'm not wrong PEP 538 improves this for the output too but 
input handling will still suffer from the overall issue while PEP 540 does also 
solve this case. Also PEP 540 would not make the C locale and thus eventually 
some systems potentially unsupported (but it might be an acceptable trade-off 
if we should really go PEP 538).

Specific for PEP 540:

> The POSIX locale enables the UTF-8 mode

Non-strict I assume?

> UTF-8 /backslashreplace

Was/is the reason to use backslashreplace for sys.stderr to guarantee that the 
developer/user sees the error messages? Might it make sense to also use 
surrogateescape instead of backslashescape for sys.stderr in UTF-8 non-strict 
mode to be consistent here?


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