Raymond Hettinger <raymond.hettin...@gmail.com> added the comment:

IMO, George Sakkis's original version is better than the TJR's proposed 
revision which has three separate adjustments by one and adds to extraneous 
functions which aren't central to the example.  Dubslow's alternative at least 
avoids the three offsets by one; however, it has the disadvantage that meaning 
of the loop induction variable is somewhat indirect and creates its own source 
of confusion.

I agree that some algorithmic comment should be added, probably just for the 
last line.

Let's not add any of the listed alternative names to the comments.  Each one is 
either  confusing or wrong.  The word "merge" already has an established, 
different meaning as in "sort/merge".  For example,  heapq.merge('ABC', 'D', 
'EF') gives ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'].  The word "alternate" tends to mean 
"toggle back-and-forth" in common usage.  The term "zip_flat" has no meaning to 
me, it has no hits on Google, and the closest match is a recipe on 
StackOverflow that does something different.  And "interleave" is not 
suggestive of looping back over the iterables until each is exhausted.  Also, 
we may yet use interleave() to mean something else.

In contrast, "round robin" has a well established meaning that matches what 
this recipe does. Until now, not a single reader has ever claimed to not know 
what it means.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Round-robin_scheduling

FWIW, the recipe has several benefit.  1) Give a way to implement round robin 
iteration without re-inventing the wheel, 2) Demonstrate ways to use cycle() 
and islice().  3) Demonstrate useful optimization technique of factoring the 
try/except out of the for-loop, 4) Demonstrate the useful optimization 
technique of calling bound methods, and 5) Be concise (I've left longer or more 
complex recipes for the ASPN cookbook or StackOverflow).

Ideally, I would prefer to not add two extra builtin lookups (the recipe is 
sometime used on short inputs which would be affected by the extra overhead).  
Also, I prefer the visual weight to be on the central message of tight inner 
loops that exploit itertools rather than having the visual weight shift to the 
for-loop which is the least important part.

Can you a suggest a concise single line comment that would make the last line 
clearer about what it is doing?   Also, I'm open to changing the name of the 
"pending" variable but think "current_len" and "reduced_len" are not 


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